Colors, contrasts, backgrounds and figures to a great logos
On every branding-logo design, it is necessary a visual strategy for the media publicity just to get a big acceptance and impact from the viewers or potential buyers.
Colors: these are the basis for interpreting the seriousness company, according to philosophy and ideology we can do an emotional selection that the business need to expose for make a visual attraction from their potential buyers.
Background: for watch a figure from the background it is necessary to have a body, contrast and color for get an immediately distinction from any form.
Figures: from a very simple geometric form or any two-dimensional graphic draw, this can be complemented with any other visual art that help to interpret a detailed or abstract meaning.
On every branding-logo design, it is necessary a visual strategy for the media publicity just to get a big acceptance and impact from the viewers or potential buyers.
Colors: son la base que ayuda a interpretar las formalidades de las empresas, de acuerdo a la filosofía e ideología se puede seleccionar las emociones que la entidad necesita expresar para así atraer visualmente a sus clientes potenciales.
Background: for watch a figure from the background it is necessary to have a body, contrast and color for get an immediately distinction from any form.
Figures: from a very simple geometric form or any two-dimensional graphic draw, this can be complemented with any other visual art that help to interpret a detailed or abstract meaning.